CBJO presents our annual
Veteran's Day Concert for Wounded Warrior Project
Featuring America's Sweethearts
7:00pm show
Free Admission w/ a voluntary offering taken for Wounded Warrior Project
Highland Presbyterian Church at 500 E Roseville Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601
Join us for a celebration of our servicemembers as we collaborate with America's Sweethearts for a night of big band music & swing dancing benefitting the Wounded Warrior Project!
A very special thanks to Highland Presbyterian Church for providing the venue for this event, as well as supporting CBJO year-round!
Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) began in 2003 as a small, grassroots effort providing simple care and comfort items to the hospital bedsides of the first wounded service members returning home from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. As post-service needs evolved, so have their programs and services. Today, through their direct programs in mental health, career counseling, and long-term rehabilitative care, along with their advocacy efforts, they improve the lives of millions of warriors and their families.